Comfort Suite at Belle Reve Senior Living

Belle Reve Senior Living  – Comfort Suite

Milford PA – Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice, in partnership with Belle Reve Senior Living, opened very special Comfort Suite that delivers much needed options for hospice patients in the Pike County area.

The Comfort Suite, designed with the Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice patient and family in mind, features a comfortable living space along with room for family and friends. The Comfort Suite, located at Belle Reve Senior Living (404 East Harford St, Milford, PA), offers area Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice patients and their families’ emergency or back-up choices including temporary residency for their loved one who needs respite care or living quarters while permanent arrangements are being made. An average stay for patients ranges from 5 to 10 days. “Also for the hospice patient who needs skilled symptom management, the Comfort Suite can be a temporary safety net to get the patient’s symptoms under control” Cecelia Clayton, Executive Director of Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice, explained.

Prior to this collaboration patients had to travel out of county to access a similar facility. Now they can stay close to home and family members can be as close as possible to their loved ones.

To become eligible for hospice care, an individual must be diagnosed with a life-limiting illness by his or her physician. A life-limiting illness is one in which the individual’s life expectancy is more likely to be months or weeks rather than years. “The hospice Comfort Suite in a highly rated facility such as Belle Reve is a natural partnership and much needed resource for members of the Pike County Community,” stated Clayton.

Hospice is a special concept of care designed to provide comfort and support to patients and their families when a life-limiting illness no longer responds to curative treatments. The hospice team offers specialized knowledge of medical, nursing, and social work including pain management, along with clergy, Pharmacia, bereavement counseling, therapists and trained volunteers.

Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice has been a founding leader in the belief that when caring for the physical, emotional, spiritual, and social needs of a loved one who is facing end of life, the final days of life should be lived with dignity and respect. To learn more about the hospice Comfort Suite please call the Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice office located at 104 Bennett Ave, Milford, PA at 570-296-3591, or to reach any of the Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice offices 24 hours a day, 7 seven days a week call 800-882-1117.

Posted in Press Releases.